Ralph, and Trinity Beamsville will gladly help you take care of your SCRAP METAL and POP CANS!!!
Ralph and his crew travel around collecting large items and people drop off small items… the metal is salvaged and what ever items cane recycled are recycled. The scrap metal is transported to a scrap yard, money is collected for the various metals and those funds go towards Trinity United Church finances, which frees up funds for Outreach, Community and Congregation Support.
What will we take…
fridges, stoves, dishwashers, BBQs,
metal patio tables, aluminum chairs and products,
metal patio tables and chairs, computers,
TVs, electronics, wrought iron railings and POP Cans!!!
…and oh yes, we’ll even take your metal kitchen sinks!
For large item pick-ups, please call Ralph… 905-563-4870
To drop-off… enter parking lot from King Street (Beamsville, corner of William Street) and head of the Holy Scrap Corner.