Home / Donations


We are very grateful for all who support the mission and vision of our congregation.  Now more than ever, we long for Trinity Beamsville to be a voice among and for God’s beloved people.  

If you are in a place to continue offering financial support, thank you for your generosity!  Below are some ways to contribute to our work.  

As you read and make decisions about your best options, please know our greatest request is for your ongoing prayers and well-being.  We know that many households are dealing with financial uncertainty and struggle.  We offer heartfelt prayers for stability, peace, and strength for all God’s people, that all will have the critical resources needed to thrive.   

Ways to donate to Trinity United Church, Beamsville: 

Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR):
This is a regular monthly amount that comes out of your bank account and is deposited into Trinity’s bank account.
In order to set PAR up you will need to fill out a form and then send the completed form and a copy of a void cheque to the church.
You can send it to our church office using either email info@trinitybeamsville.ca or regular mail (Trinity United Church, PO Box 609, Beamsville ON L0R 1B0).
To access our PAR Form, please click here…You can fill in the form and then print it for your signature or you can print it and fill it in by hand.  

If you want to do a one-time donation or a series of donations, the church will accept cheques. We will gladly accept post-dated cheques if you want to continue giving according to your regular pattern. They can be mailed to Trinity United Church, PO Box 609, Beamsville ON L0R 1B0

E transfer:
If you want to do a one-time donation or your regular weekly giving and you aren’t into writing cheques you can send an e transfer to info@trinitybeamsville.ca.
It is set up so that no security question is required.
We do need to know where you would like your donation to be allocated e.g. General Operating Fund, Mission & Service, Raise the Roof.
When doing an e-Transfer there is a message line on the transfer form that you can use to let our Administrator know where to allocate your donation. There is a limit on the message line of 400 characters but something short will do, e.g. General 25 – M&S 10.

Canada Helps:
Canada Helps is an organization that handles donations for a number of charities. The advantage of using them is that you could charge your donation to a credit card.
The disadvantage to the church is that Canada Helps takes 4% of the donation for the credit card fee and the cost of issuing the charitable receipt. If you would like to use Canada Helps their website is CanadaHelps.org.
Trinity United Church is listed with them as ‘Beamsville Pastoral Charge’

Thank you for all that you are and do, in helping us to live out our ministry, in Beamsville and far beyond!

Update from the Finance Committee

Please continue to pray and discern your best ways to contribute to Trinity’s short and long term needs.

Please remember that Offering is accepted gratefully, in a variety of ways:  PAR (pre-authorized remittance), e-transfer, or by envelopes.  If giving by envelope, cheque is preferred, especially if mailed. 

Please call or email the church office (905.563.4943 or info@trinitybeamsville.ca) if you have any questions or concerns about any of these ways to support our shared ministry.

You might also check out the Trinity website for our ongoing Pick Up The Tab – customized for this present time.  http://trinitybeamsville.ca/putt-page

However you give, may you know and trust that you are making a difference, in countless ways.

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