- Foodbanks were started to respond to emergencies
- They now serve as the only solution to not having food
- 2024… a 25% increase across Ontario of people using food banks
- 1 in 14 Ontario Citizens had to use a Foodbank.
- 1 in 3 were children • 1 in 6 were employed*
- Foodbanks aren’t the first choice for people in need
- It takes a lot of high-stress suffering, wrestling with the unrelenting
precarity of work, housing and sustenance
- It takes a lot of high-stress suffering, wrestling with the unrelenting
- The Province of Ontario needs to boost social assistance
- Poverty costs $3.9 billion in extra health costs annually
- Poverty costs $1.1 billion in extra justice system costs*
- 21.43% of calls to 211 Ontario were asking about housing assistance
- Lincoln Seniors in need could wait 8 years for a one bedroom unit
- Lincoln Singles aged 16 – 54 wait 13 years for a one bedroom unit
- Lincoln Families wait 4 – 8 years for 2 or 3 bedroom units**
*St. Catharines Standard, Opinion, Our View, Page A4, 9.14.24. **Region of Niagara Housing Website
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